Hello Podcast Family,
There’s a word you a may hear or see a lot in the media and online these days. It’s “anxiety.” It seems to be a catch-all for any number of things that in the past we would call stress, or pressure, or maybe just “worry.”
It’s happened to all of us, and sometimes it gets so bad we get burned out.
For an increasing number of people, the solution is therapy or drugs, both legal and illegal, or alcohol. But for our guest today, the way she overcame some serious stress was through something that is there for you more often than you may realize – courage.
This Monday, we’ll be joined by Janet Jackson Pellegrini. She’s one of the authors of a new book called, “You Can Overcome Anything with Courage.”
The book contains 17 different stories from 17 different people. Each shares his or her personal stories and life lessons that have one thing in common – they found the courage to overcome the challenges they faced.
Janet is one of those people.
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